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in Italian

Ecological transition goals in the building sector

1  December 2022

Giovanna Landi e Arianna Adinolfi presented the webinar intitled Ecological transition goals in the building sector, guested by the Chamber of Commerce MMBL.

The course outlined the regulatory framework in the field of waste, with a special focus on the building sector in order to understand how the European principles on circular economy have been applied to it.

The Italian Decree of the MITE n. 152/2022, by identifying the criteria for the end of waste of the building activities, represents an important attempt to reduce the strong impact of construction waste on the environment.

Webinar in Italian

Water or hydroelectric derivation concessions

14 November 2022

Giovanna Landi e Francesca Samartin, coordinated by Lawyer Andrea Martelli, presented the webinar dedicated to water and hydroelectric derivation concessions promoted by the Centro Studi Bellunese.

The course explains all the procedures needed for the construction of a hydroelectric plant: issuing the concession, drafting the convention, authorisation process (including the necessary environmental procedures), application for feed-in tariffs.

Recently, the public debate is often focused on the hydroelectric concession, especially with regard to the clear definition of the procedures for the re-allocation of expiring concessions, on which the European Commission, which safeguards competition in the single energy market, and on the other hand, the Italian Constitutional Court, which instead oversees respect for the division of state and regional competences, have repeatedly expressed their views, making numerous amendments to the regulatory framework, which is complex and uneven.


in Italian

End of waste e conformità al regolamento REACH

10 November 2022

The course, directed to all the companies in the waste chain, producers and users of EoW/by-products and technical consultants and producers of waste, is dedicated to explaining the rules to be respected, when considering the end of waste status, and to providing useful guidelines for their correct application.

Webinar in Italian

Safety Day Symposium 2022

9 November 2022

The annual meeting was held, this year at the 12th edition 𝑺𝒂𝒇𝒆𝒕𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑺𝒚𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒖𝒎22, dedicated to the distribution of chemical products, focusing in particular on the issues of customs controls, notification obligations to the EU, labelling, online sales and the transmission of hazard information.

In the report: Manufacturer-Distributor Relationships in the European Market, the speaker Giovanna Landi examined the issues of intra-EU distribution contracts related to the REACH and CLP Regulations. The obligations involved suggest a conscious collaboration between manufacturers and distributors, based on knowledge of the regulations. The role of the importer will also be examined, also in the light of a recent ruling equating his position to that of the EU manufacturer.

in Italian

REACH ed emissioni in atmosfera 

17 October 2022

The course, promoted by the Centro Studi Bellunese, is dedicated to the issues of REACH regulation with particular regard to the safety of chemical products, which increasingly intersect with environmental issues, as well as those on worker safety. The course provides an integrated and multidisciplinary approach that is very important for Italian manufacturing companies and public administrations.

Webinar in Italian

REACH and CLP inspections in companies

4 October 2022

Prepare for an inspection by the competent authorities on the REACH and CLP Regulations. Knowledge of the European and national programs on controls and inspections.

The course explains the operational modalities of inspections and controls and outlines the procedures in the event of an inspection and sanction.

In this edition, there was a special focus on the National Control Plan 2022 and some data and evidence extracted from the most recent reporting on inspection results.

Participation in the course allows companies to check their level of compliance with these Regulations and be prepared in case of inspection and control, to avoid unpleasant sanctioning procedures

Webinar in Italian

Data sharing and cooperation opportunities for companies in the Biocides Regulation

20 May 2021

The course is aimed at illustrating the different ways in which it is possible to fulfill one's obligations, analyzing the opportunities for companies, also in terms of cost reduction, according to the forms of cooperation that are adopted, as well as according to the role that is covers.

Webinar in Italian

The new environmental labeling requirements for packaging

29 April 2021

The seminar is intended to be a useful opportunity for companies to identify their obligations regarding the environmental labeling of packaging and to address the main issues and interpretative doubts arising from the application and interpretation of the new legislation in this area.

Webinar in Italian

Data sharing and cooperation opportunities for companies in the Biocides Regulation

31 March 2021

The course is aimed at illustrating the different ways in which it is possible to fulfill one's obligations, analyzing the opportunities for companies, also in terms of cost reduction, according to the forms of cooperation that are adopted, as well as according to the role that is covers.

Webinar in Italian

REACH and CLP inspections in companies

16 March 2021

Prepare for an inspection by the competent authorities on the REACH and CLP Regulations.
Knowledge of the European and national programs on controls and inspections.
Deepen the issues related to the sanctions that can be imposed under the REACH and CLP Reg., Forms of payment and dispute procedure.
Learn the rudiments of appeals under the REACH and CLP Reg., Such as administrative appeals against orders, arbitrations and civil disputes, appeals against ECHA decisions.

Webinar in Italian

Safety in the Workplace at the time of COVID-19:
the new rules for employers

3 March 2021

This webinar provides useful information regarding the prevention measures in order to prevent and contain the spread of the virus Covid-19 in the workplace. New rules.

Webinar in Italian

Health and safety in the workplace at the time of COVID-19

28 January 2021

This webinar provides useful information regarding the prevention measures in order to prevent and contain the spread of the virus Covid-19 in the workplace.

Webinar in Italian

Safety in the Workplace at the time of COVID-19: the new rules for employers

10 December2020

This webinar provides useful information regarding the prevention measures in order to prevent and contain the spread of the virus Covid-19 in the workplace.

in Italian

From biogas to biomethane. Support tools for the circular economy

20 November 2020

This seminar aims to look at the technical and authorization aspects that a biogas producer must face if it decides to implement its business with upgrade processes to start the production of biomethane, aimed at different uses.

Tavola  rotonda

The Inspection and Sanctioning Powers of Italian Authorities in REACH, CLP and BPR - Comparing Experiences

23 september 2022

The first meeting, sponsored by our firm, dedicated to regulatory issues in the chemical sector was held last Friday, September 23. The topic chosen was: national inspections in REACH, CLP and Biocides.

The meeting, dedicated to expert technical advisors on product safety and European regulations, coordinated by Giovanna Landi, allowed the sharing of common experiences and good practices. The importance of a high-level professional, interdisciplinary approach consistent with the Authorities' guidelines emerged, with the aim of offering companies a useful and adequate service in dealing with the delicate environmental issues related to the chemical industry.

The meeting, organized with the round table formula, saw a very active participation of the consultants in attendance and is intended to be the first in a series of appointments for in-depth regulatory analysis and sharing of topical professional issues, dedicated to the community of technical and legal consultants of the chemical industry.

For more information and insights, please write to:

Webinar in Italian

REACH and CLP inspections in companies

3 November 2020

Prepare for an inspection by the competent authorities on the REACH and CLP Regulations.
Knowledge of the European and national programs on controls and inspections.
Deepen the issues related to the sanctions that can be imposed under the REACH and CLP Reg., Forms of payment and dispute procedure.
Learn the rudiments of appeals under the REACH and CLP Reg., Such as administrative appeals against orders, arbitrations and civil disputes, appeals against ECHA decisions.

in Italian

Disinfectant products between the PMC legislation and the Biocides Regulation

22 October 2020

This seminar aims to update companies on the complex legislation that regulates these important products by offering an overview of the PMC discipline and the requirements set out in the Regulation on Biocidal Products for the approval and authorization of substances and products.

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